Success Story: Rose Pacheco
Age: 36 | Hometown: Albuquerque, NM
Interviewer: Dr. Aaron Kelly Anderson w/ UNTAPPED
January 20, 2025
Today’s interview follows a young lady who has not only succeeded in her employment, but thrived. Rose has been working at an Arby’s here in Albuquerque for slightly over a year and performs her tasks beautifully, with the frequent support of her manager and her job coach. Rose has broken down several obstacles on her path to find a position that she is passionate about, and as she states in the interview... sometimes you just have to put aside the “baloney.” Rose’s job coach, La Dawna, also joined us during this interview.
Aaron Anderson: “So, I heard that you just had your one-year anniversary working here at Arby’s. That’s really exciting! Congratulations on that!”
Rose Pacheco: “Thank you!”
AA: “So, what do you do in your job position here?”
RP: “I mostly clean; I do lots of cleaning. And I like to make things spotless, and I keep up the good work!”
AA: “Okay, excellent!”
La Dawna Pea: “Talk to him about more of the duties you do here, outside and in the back.”
RP: “Oh! Outside, I do the lining of the Arby’s, and I clean, like, the baseboards. And I clean the windows and everything else, and it’s really cool.”
AA: “Oh, wow, that’s awesome! So, you do the outside too!”
RP: “I keep the Arby’s really clean.”
AA: “Yeah, you do; I can tell! After you mentioned that, I was like, ‘Yeah, the windows look great!’ Next question: How did you first learn about DVR, and how did they guide you to us at LSG?”
RP: “Hmm...”
LDP: “How did you learn about job development? Like, how did you learn that you could get help to find a job?”
RP: “I don’t know; I reached out to you guys...”
LDP: “Was it through your team?”
RP: “Yes.”
LDP: “What did you tell them, like a year or two ago? Was it ‘I’m bored, I want money, I need a job’?”
RP: “Yes!”
LDP: “What did you tell him?”
RP: “I’m bored, I need money, and I need a job.”
LDP: “And so, they put in a referral with DVR—do you remember those appointments?”
RP: “Yes, and it was... improvement in everything, and we got me this job.”
LDP: “Do you remember, at DVR, they give you a piece of paper? And they said, ‘These are all the places you can go to.’ Do you remember choosing LSG?”
RP: “Mm-hmm. It was my number one pick!”
LDP: “So, tell Aaron about how you made that decision.”
RP: “Um, on the Freedom of Choice? Yeah, I did a Freedom of Choice, and I picked LSG. We were all set and ready to go!”
AA: “Nice! Yeah, was there something specific that kind of stood out to you about LSG, in terms of a choice for it?”
RP: “Mm, what does that mean?”
AA: “Oh, so, was there something that you heard about LSG that kind of, uh, led LSG to be your choice of program?”
RP: “Yes, they are very independent, and I like them a lot!”
AA: “That we are!” [chuckles]
RP: “They’re very independent. They’re very good with their skills on getting people jobs. They’re very good at keeping their word, and they’re very honest people.”
AA: “Sounds great! So, how would you say that LSG has been helpful in securing you this job here?”
RP: “Um... Every other way, they’ve been great. They’ve been helpful with my job and everything, and it’s just been great. I’m so happy with this job, and I’m glad they got it for me. Like, it’s been wonderful.”
AA: “That’s great to hear! And yeah, I understand that you and La Dawna have worked very well together, and I know she’s been doing a really good job at being here as a guide.”
RP: “Yes, she has.”
AA: “Yeah, excellent! And what would you say your long-term goals are for working here? What else do you feel like you might like to do as you’re working here?”
RP: “Um, maybe work here ‘til I’m like 60 or 70.”
AA: “Okay, yeah!”
RP: “Like ‘til I retire. I wanna retire... not soon, but whenever I retire, I wanna be at that age and just not be able to work anymore. So, I wanna work, like, going on 30 years.”
LDP: “That’s a beautiful goal.”
AA: “Yeah, that’s excellent for sure! So, this place has had a really positive impact on you, then?”
RP: “Yes, they have.”
AA: “Good! And so, how would you say your disability affects your work or does not affect your work?”
RP: “It doesn’t affect my work, um... I handle it really well. I just have to work on boundaries, and I do that really good with Liz. She works with me on it, and we get through things. And she’s not, like, too close to me; she’s not close to me at all. She just lets me do my job, and she lets me do whatever I’m doing and keeping that spot. And I’m really thankful that she does that, because I’m thankful she’s really good at that job. Like, I don’t know how to thank her enough.”
AA: “Awesome! And Liz is your manager, right?”
RP: “Yes. She is in the back too, yeah.”
LDP: “She’s very supportive.”
RP: “She’s very busy and supportive. Supportive in every way.”
AA: “That’s really awesome, and it’s also really great how you were describing it, like how she lets you, uh, be independent in your job and be learning independently.”
RP: “She really does. I’m independent all over the place. Like, I’m working here, I’m working there – she just lets me do my job. It’s really awesome.”
AA: “That’s great to hear, for sure. Liz is the one who was at the [LSG Recognition Event] with you, right?”
RP: “Yeah!”
AA: “Yeah, that was great to see that support from her. Okay, so last question: How do you see yourself in the future, like with your work and just in life?”
RP: “I don’t know, maybe like... All I can say is, I’m an Arby’s girl. That’s all I can say. I love working at Arby’s. I can see my job like, ten years later, I’m still working. And it’s pretty awesome.”
LDP: [to Aaron] “Would you mind throwing in another bonus question about the bologna socks?” [NOTE: Rose often wears a pair of socks to work that have images of the Oscar Mayer logo and Wienermobile on them.]
RP: [smiling] “Oh, my gosh!”
AA: “Oh, yes, exactly! Yeah, tell me a little bit about your special bologna socks.”

RP: “Well... I wear them on certain days I’m gonna have a good day, and that’s why they're called ‘baloney socks.’ Because, well, when I’m doing a bunch of baloney, I have to turn it around and say... I don’t know...”
LDP: “So, we describe a bad day as ‘Oh, that’s a bunch of baloney.’ It means it doesn’t matter, it’s not important, it’s not worth your stress.”
RP: “Yeah, that’s true.”
LDP: “So, we have days that are harder than others, but when you wear those socks...”
RP: “It just makes my day!”
LDP: “It makes you feel empowered that you have control over your day.”
RP: “Yes, mm-hmm! It really does. They’re the good socks!”
AA: “Yeah, so it kinda helps you to put the ‘baloney’ aside.”
RP: “Mm-hmm, yes.”
AA: “Excellent! Well, thank you so much once again!”
RP: “You’re welcome.”
AA: “This has been great, and I’m glad I got to talk to you a lot more about how great it’s been here at Arby’s.”
RP: “Thank you, and I appreciate it too!”
[photos by La Dawna Pea]