“I have been made more aware of the difficulties people face, from early childhood through life. It is rewarding to know there are programs which address the needs of many in communities who are desperate for help.”
“Very family-friendly and had a lot of great activities. The discussion about disabilities was great because it highlighted the many resources that are available to people with disabilities and how they work.”
“Thank you for the invite, and we had a great time making jewelry. Really loved the dance session; it was great!”

On Saturday, October 15th, LSG & Associates, Inc. and the UNTAPPED program will host a storytelling event at the Rio Grande Nature Center in Albuquerque (2901 Candelaria Rd NW). The event will begin at 10:00 am and wrap up at 3:00 pm. It will feature booths from UNTAPPED as well as other community organizations. Besides the opportunity to listen to engaging storytellers and writers, there will be several free activities to participate in: games, face painting, giveaways, a medicinal herb walk, roundtable discussions and more.
This event builds on the Nature Center’s monthly storytelling, where children and their parents can attend a performance by resident storyteller, Dianne Rossbach. She will be one of the storytellers sharing a tale on stage, along with other distinguished storytellers such as UNM professor Enrique Lamadrid, Native American storyteller, Patricia Ann Davis and others. The harvesting of stories, of individuals with all abilities, will be the theme for this event. Round table discussions will touch on wellness, disability advocacy, and mental health.
This is a family-friendly event that will include kids of all ages. Admission for the Storytelling Event is FREE (the usual $3 park entrance fee still applies).
Mark your calendars for Saturday, Oct. 15th at 10:00; we hope to see you there!
Rio Grande Nature Center & UNTAPPED Staffs